Recruitment Notices/Results
NHM Provisional PoP for 28-Feb-2025 Counselling
PG Counselling vacancy list
Seat matrix for counselling will be public shortly
Final List of 549 Candidates for Counselling for 1 Year Post PG Compulsory Posting on 27 & 28th Fe
Post PG Counselling [Counselling will be held on 27 and 28 Feb , 2025 ]
Post PG Counselling
Notice & Provisionally Shortlisted candidates for interview for the post of Community Health Officer under NHM, Assam
Engagement of Community Health Officers
Advertisement for the position of Community Health Officer
Notice for Mutual Transfer up to 5 applicants on mutual concent dtd. 27.12.2024
Zoom Link for Counseling of CHO
Priority list for CHO Posting to be held on 30.12.2024
Counselling for CHO
Notice & Provisionally Shortlisted candidates, for the post of Specialist under NHM, Assam
Advertisement for the position of Specialist under NHM, Assam.
Notice for Documents verification of CCH candidates
Advertisement for the position of Specialist under NHM, Assam.
Online Application for Mutual Transfer under NHM, Assam dtd. 13.10.2024
Cancellation of advertisements under NHM, Assam dtd. 13.10.2024
Incentive to Specialist Doctors and MO(MBBS) dtd.26.09.2024
Additional Not shortlisted candidates
Updated vacancy list
Revised Places of Posting
Counselling for posting of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting under NHM, Assam
Counselling for posting of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting under NHM, Assam
Advertisement for the position of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Rural Posting under NHM, Assam
Re-Scheduled Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Audiologist Speech Therapist under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for interview for the position of Analyst under SDTL, Assam
Notice for submission of IGNOU Marksheet December 2023 Term End Examination
Corrigendum dtd. 05.06.2024
Remaining Vacancies for 3rd June 2024
Counselling for posting of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting under NHM, Assam
Counselling for posting of MO(MBBS) 1 Year RP
updated _vacancy _CHO_counselling
Vacancies for CHO posting_13.03.2024_revised
Final Merit List_CHO Counselling
Final Place of Posting for CHO Counselling to be held on 14.03.2024
Advertisement for various positions under NHM, Assam dtd. 09.03.2024
Place of Posting for CHO Counselling to be held on 14.03.2024
CHO Counselling
Walk-In Interview under NHM, Assam on 13th Mar'24
Advertisement under State Drugs Testing Laboratory (SDTL), Assam
Reschedule of Interview for the post of Radiographer under NHM, Assam
Notice & shortlisted candidates for Final Round Interview for the post of Radiographer under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of Assistant District Data Manager
Result of Interview for the position of State Leprosy Consultant under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the postion of District Consultant (Quality Assurance)
Postponement of Counselling for the position of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Interview for the Position of Specialist under PM-ABHIM, Assam
Walk-In Interview for the positions of Specialist & MO(MBBS) under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of Programme Executive under NHM
Result of Interview for the position of Budget Finance Officer cum Administrative Officer,NLEP
Result of Interview for the position of Accounts Officer under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of Accounts Manager under NHM, Assam
Provisional Merit list for Certificate in Community Health (Dec'22 term examination)
Govt. Notification_2 Years Diploma Course under SSUHS dtd. 17.02.2024
Advt for MO(MBBS) 1 Yr CRP 06-02-2024
Result of interview for the position of Assistant Engineer (Instrumentation)
Result of Interview for the position of Psychiatric Nurse under NHM
List of Places of Posting for Counselling of B.Sc. Candidates for CHOs on 2nd Feb 2024
Instruction and Merit List of candidates for the position of Community Health Officer under NHM, Assam
Counselling of B.Sc Candidates for CHOs.pdf
Result of Interview for the position of Counsellor under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of Nursing Midwifery Educator-Tutor under NHM, Assam
Time Slots for ANM Skill Test and Interview under NHM
Provisional Merit List of B.Sc. Candidates for engagement as Community Health Officers under NHM
Notice & Shortlisted Candidates_Interview for the position of Consultant (Maternal & Child Health), PIU, World Bank ASSIST Project
Result of interview for the position of Block Coordinator (ARSH-WIFS-RBSK) under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of Consultant (RKSK) under NHM, Assam
Advertisement_Walk-In Interview under NHM, Assam
Result for Walk-In Interview for the position of MO(MBBS) under NHM, Assam
Zoom Meeting for Counselling - Two Year PG Diploma Course SSUHS
Counselling Notice and Merit list_2 Year Diploma Course under SSUHS
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Skill Test & Interview for the Position of ANM under NHM, Assam
Result for the position of Consultant (Audit) under NHM, Assam
Advertisement for the position of Staff Nurse under NHM, Assam
Result for the position of Audit Officer under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for physical Interview for the Position of State Project Coordinator (Assam Clinical Establishment) under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for physical Interview for the Position of Programme Executive under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for physical Interview for the Position of PA to Mission Director under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Final Round Physical Interview for the Position of Clinical Instructor under NHM, Assam
Result for Walk-In Interview for the position of Consultant (Child Health) under NHM, Assam
Postponement of Interview for the position of Addl. Consultant (HRD) under NHM, Assam.pdf
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Addl. Consultant (HRD)
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Budget & Finance Officer cum Administrative Officer, NLEP
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of State Consultant (Quality Assurance)
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of State Public Health Consultant, NVBDCP
Provisional List of Places of Posting for MO(MBBS) 1 YrCRP FMR-NonFMG (21st Nov 2023)
Postponement of Interview of Audiologist-Speech Therapist under NHM, Assam
Notice and List of Candidates for one year compulsory rural posting (FMG's-non FMG's), under NHM, Assam
NOTICE for Walk-In-Interview for the position of MO (MBBS) under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for physical Interview for the Position of Audiologist/ Speech Therapist under NHM, Assam
Advertisement_Walk-In Interview for the various positions under NHM, Assam
Addl. List of Provisionally shortlisted candidates for documents verification for the position of Community Health Officer under NHM, Assam
Notice for CCH course Candidate appeared in the December TEE 2022 for submission of IGNOU Marksheet.
Online Application for FMG'S and NON FMG's for undergoing One Year Rural Posting under National Health Mission , Assam
Result of Interview for the position of Junior Engineer (Instrumentation) under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for documents verification for the position of Community Health Officer under NHM, Assam
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Final Round Interview for admission into Two Years Diploma Course under SSUHS
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Final Round Interview for the position of Pharmacist under NHM, Assam
Final 136 Places of Posting MO(MBBS) 1 Yr CRP Scheduled on 19-Oct-2023
Final Merit List of candidates for counselling for the position of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting under NHM, Assam
Provisional PoP MO(MBBS) 1 Yr CRP Scheduled on 19-Oct-2023
MO MBBS - 1 Year CRP counselling
MO MBBS - 1 Year CRP counselling
Notice for One Year Compulsory Rural Posting of MBBS Doctors under National Health Mission, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for physical Interview for the Position of Accounts Manager under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for physical Interview for the Position of Accounts Officer under NHM, Assam
Result for the position of Psychologist under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Final Round physical Interview for the Position of Block Coordinator (ARSH/WIFS/RBSK) under NHM, Assam
Advertisement for various positions under PM-Abhim, Assam
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Final Round Interview for the position of Counsellor under NHM
Result of Interveiw for the position of Laboratory Technician under NHM, Assam
Notice For Community in Community Health (CCH) Candidates Appeared In The IGNOU Term End Examination June 2023 For Submission of Marksheet
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Nursing Midwifery Educator/ Tutor under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Drug Store Manager (State/ District) under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Radiographer under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Assistant Accounts Manager/ Accountant (State) under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of District Media Expert under NHM, Assam
Re-Schedule of Interview & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for the Position of Assistant Engineer (Civil) under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of District Data Manager, NHM
Result of Walk-In Interview for the position of MO (MBBS) under NHM...
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Interview for the position of District Consultant (Quality Assurance)
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Interview for the position of Consultant (RKSK)
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Interview for the position of Assistant Engineer (Instrumentation)
Result of Interview for the position of Ophthalmic Assistant- Optometrist, NHM
Addl NHM Seat Matrix for Counselling (Surgey) on 2nd Sept 2023
Addl DME Seat Matrix for Counselling (Surgey and Allied) on 2nd Sept 2023
NHM Seat Matrix for PG Counselling - 2nd Sep
DME Seat Matrix for PG Counselling - 2nd Sep
Time Slots for Counselling for Post PG 1 Year Compulsory Posting under DME Assam and NHM, Assam (S
Instructions to candidates for Post PG Counselling on 2nd Sept 2023
List of PG Doctors for Counselling for Post PG 1 Year Compulsory Posting under DME Assam and NHM,
Notice for counselling for 1 year Post P.G posting
Result of Interview for the position of Consultant -FPLMIS under NHM, Assam
Postponement Notice_Counselling of 1 Year Post PG Posting of Doctors under NHM, Assam
Walk-In Interview for the position of MO_MBBS_ under NHM, Assam
Counselling for 1 Year Post PG Posting, 2023
Result of Interview for the position of State Media Expert under NHM
Engagement of Addl. Consultant(MH) under NHM, Assam
Inerview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Assistant District Data Manager under NHM
Interview for the position of Junior Engineer (Civil) under NHM
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of JE(Instrumentation)
Result of Interview for the position of Procurement Expert under NHM
Advertisement for various positions for Project Implementation Unit under World Bank Project at NHM, Assam dtd. 27.07.2023
Result of Interview for the position of Programmer-GIS Expert- Software Coordinator
Result of Interview for the position of Addl. Consultant (Maternal Health), NHM, Assam
Advertisement for CHO from BSc & Post Basic BSC Nursing integrated course 2022-23
Notice & Shortlisted Candidates for Final Round Physical Interview for the Position of Management Expert, SIHFW under NHM, Assam
Notice & Shortlisted Candidates for the Final Round Physical Interview for the Position of Rehabilitation Worker under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Procurement Expert under NHM, Assam
Notice regarding recruitment of ANM under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of Technical Coordinator- Project Coordinator, Tele-MANAS under NHM
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Consultant, FPLMIS
Postponement of Interview of Assistant Engineer(Civil) under NHM, Assam
Notice_Re-Schedule of Interview for the position of Assistant Engineer _Civil_ under NHM
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of District Data Manager under NHM
Notice for Postponement of counseling for 2 Year Diploma Courses under SSUHS
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Psychiatric Nurse under NHM
nterview Notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Superintending Engineer (Civil) under NHM
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Project Engineer (Civil)
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Assistant Engineer (Civil)
Notice & Merit list_Final Counselling (through Zoom) for Admission into Two Years Diploma Course under SSUHS
Continuation of Post PG Doctors after 1 Year Compulsory Service under NHM dtd. 19.06.2023
Interview notice and shortlisted candidate for the position of Consultant, Diagnostics
Addl. List_Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the position of Addl. Consultant (Maternal Health)
Interview notice and shortlisted Candidates_Interview of Addl Consultant (Maternal Health)
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Skill Test and Interview for the position of Laboratory Technician under NHM
Result of Walk-In Interview for the position of Project Coordinator under ABDM, Assam
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for interview for Programmer-GIS Expert- Software Coordinator the position of
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Audiometric Assistant
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Psychologist under NHM
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Ophthalmic Assistant /Optometrist under NHM
Personal Interview for the Position of State Finance Manager under NHM, Assam I
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Technical Coordinator / Project Coordinator , Tele MANAS
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Zoom Interview for the position of Block Coordinator (ARSH/WIFS/RBSK)
Provisional Report - MO(MBBS) 1 Year CRP Counselling -26 and 27 May 2023--THE ENGAGEMENT ORDER WILL BE ISSUED BY 31ST MAY 2023.
Status of Places of Posting of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting Counselling - DAY ONE
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for Zoom Interview for the position of Clinical Instructor
Final Merit List and Places of Posting for Counselling for MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting - 26&27 May 2023
Notice_Ceremonial Distribution of Appointment Letters under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of Dental Surgeon (Final Interview held on 28th & 29th March 2023)
Instructions of candidates for Counselling to be held on 26th & 27th May 2023 for posting as MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting Doctors
Notice for counselling for the position of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting under NHM, Assam
Provisional Merit List of candidates for counselling for the position of MO-MBBS 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting under NHM, Assam dtd. 20.05.2023
Results of Interviews under ABDM
Continuation of Service of MO _MBBS_ 1 Year RP dtd. 20.05.2023
Notice inviting Online Transfer Applications 19 May 2023
Online Transfer
Result of Walk-In Interview for the positions under ABDM
Results of Interviews under NHM, Assam
Results of Interviews under NHM, Assam
MO-MBBS 1 Year Compulsory Rural posting
Application Format and Documents required for walk-in-interview for the position of MO_MBBS_ under NHM, Assam.pdf
Documents required for Walk-In Interview for the position of Specialist Doctor
Format-Walk-In Interview of Specialist doctor
Walk-In Interview for the position of Medical Officer (MBBS)
Web Notice-Reschedule of ABDM Walk In Interviews - 3 Positons
Walk-In Inerview the position of Specialist Doctor under NHM, Assam dtd. 18.04.2023
CHO Counselling
General Instructions for Zoom Meeting or Interview Session
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Final Round Physical Interview for the position of District Programme Coordinator _NCD & HWC_ under NHM
Notice and Merit List_Counselling for posting of CCH passed out candidates as CHO under NHM, Assam
TOR & Locations for placement of Microbiologist
Walk-In Interview for various positions under ABDM, Assam dtd. 31.03.2023
Walk-In Interview for the position of Microbiologist under NHM, Assam dtd. 31.03.2023
Advertisement for various positions under NHM, Assam dtd. 31.03.2023
Result of Interview for the position of Bio-Medical Engineer under NHM, Assam
Result for Walking-in-nterviewfor the position of MO(MBBS) under NHM,Assam, Held on 19-01-23
Result of Interview for the position of System Administrator under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of Physiotherapist under NHM, Assam
Notice and Shortlisted Candidates_Final Round Interview for the position of District Family Planning Coordinator under NHM
Interview Noitce and Shortlisted Candidates_Final Round Interview for the position District Coordinator (ARSH/WIFS/RBSK) under NHM, Assam
Notice and Shortlisted Candidates_Final Round Physical Interview for the position of District Urban Health Coordinator under NHM
Interview notice and shortlisted candidate for interview for the position of Sr. Consultant, Tele-MANAS under NHM, Assam
Notice and shortlisted candidates for interview for the position of Psychiatric Nurse, Tele-MANAS under NHM, Assam
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Psychiatric Social Worker, Tele-MANAS
Interview for the position of Consultant, Tele-MANAS under NHM, Assam
Interview Notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Clinical Psychologist, Tele-MANAS under NHM, Assam
Walk-In Interview for various positions under NHM, Assam dtd. 18.03.2023
Interview notice and Shortlisted Candidates_Final Round Physical Interview for the position of Counsellor, Tele-MANAS
Results of Interview under NHM, Assam
Walk-In Interview for various positions under NHM, Assam dtd. 18.03.2023
Result of Final Round Interview for the position of Block Accounts Manager under NHM
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the Final Round Interview of Block Data Manager
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Final Round Interview of Dental Surgeon, NHM
Interview Notice and Shortlisted Candidates for Zoom Interview for the position of Pharmacist under NHM
General Instructions for Zoom Meeting or Interview Session
Order_Selection of Assistant Cashier under NHM
Final List of Places of Posting for Counselling of CHOs on 28th Feb, 2023
Provisional List of Places of Posting for Counselling of CHOs on 28th Feb, 2023
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for Zoom Interview for the position of Counsellor under NHM
Interview notice and Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates for the position of District Programme Coordinator(NCD & HWC)
Result of Interview for the position of Assistant Cashier under NHM, Assam
Counselling for Posting as Community Health Officers (CHOs) under NHM, Assam
Interview notice and shortlisted Candidates for Zoom Interview for the position of District Coordinator (ARSH/WIFS/RBSK) under NHM, Assam
Notice and Shortlisted Candidates for the position of Dental Surgeon under NHM
Interview Notice and Shortlisted Candidates_ Rehabilitation Worker
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Counsellor, Tele-MANAS
Interview Notice and shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the position of Assistant Cashier
Notice and Shortlisted Candidates for the position of District Family Planning Coordinator, NHM
Result of Interview for the position of Statistical Investigator under NHM, Assam
Notice for Document Submission and Shortlisted Candidates for the position of Pharmacist under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview and Notice for Invitation for Ceremonial Distribution of Engagement Letters for the position of Staff Nurse under NHM, Assam
Walk-In Interview for the position of MO_MBBS_ under NHM, Assam
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Final Round Interview for the position of Statistical Investigator
Notice for CCH Candidate July 2021 session
Result of Interview for the position of Consultant (RBSK) under NHM, Assam
Provisional merit list of BSc and Post Basic BSc along with Integrated curriculum Candidates applied for the post of Community Health Officer
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Laboratory Technician under NHM
Notice_Walk-in-interview for the position of Specialist doctors under NHM, Assam
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_First Round Interview for the position of Management Expert, SIHFW
Interview Notice and Shortlisted Candidates_First Round Zoom Interview for the position of Block Data Manager
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_First Round Zoom Interview for the position of District Urban Health Coordinator
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Hospital Administrator under NHM
Interview Notice and shortlisted candidates_Final Round Interview for the position of Block Accounts Manager
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Interview of Statistical Investigator
Reschedule of Interview for the position of Consultant _RBSK_
Result of Interview for the position of District Quality Consultant, NHM
Advertisement for various positions under Tele-MANAS, NHM
Interview notice and shortlisted Candidates for the position of Epidemiologist, IDSP
Result of Interview for the position of Stenographer under NHM
Notice and Shortlisted Candidates for interview for the position of Consultant (RBSK), NHM
Postponement of Final Round Interivew of District Programme Manager under NHM
Provisional List of 92 Locations for Counselling (30-Nov-2022)
Notice and Shortlisted Candidates for Two Years Diploma Course under SSUHS
Interview notice and Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the position of Block Accounts Manager, NHM
Notice and Shortlisted Candidates for Final Round Interview of DPM, NHM
One year rural posting counselling schedule
Result of Interview for the position of Consultant (Nutrition)
1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting
Notice and Shortlisted Candidates_Epidemiologist/ Public Health Specialist, NCD
1 Year Rural Posting
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Manager-DEIC
Notice and Shortlisted Candidates_Epidemiologist/ Public Health Specialist, NCD
Notice & List of Candidates_Counselling for 1 Year PG Posting under NHM, Assam
Extension of Date of Application_MO 1 Year Rural Posting
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Interview of Staff Nurse
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Interview of Staff Nurse
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates_Interview of Staff Nurse
Selection of Consultant (M&E), PC-PNDT
List of MO(MBBS) for Re-Engagement under NHM, Assam_List-II_69 nos
One Year Compulsory Rural Posting of MBBS doctors
Notice and Shortlisted Candidates-Stenographer
Transfer of Pharmacist dtd. 29.10.2022
Re-engagement of Specialist Doctors dtd. 28.10.2022
Interview Results
Order_Selection for the position of IEC Consultant, NVBDCP
Result of Interview for the position of PA to Mission Director
Result of Interview for the position of Dietician under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of Consultant (M&E), PC-PNDT
Interview Notice and Shortlisted Candidates for the position of Consultant (Maternal Health), SIHFW
Interview notice and Shortlisted Candidates_Consultant (Nutrition) under NHM
Notification for commencement of classes for the Certificate in Community Health ((CCH)
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the position of Audit Officer
Interview Notice and Shortlisted Candidates_Zoom Interview of Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS)
Inviting applications from In-Service Medical Officers under Health & FW Dept. Govt. of Assam for admission into the Two Years PG Diploma Courses under Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences (SSUHS), Assam
Interview for the position of Addl. Consultant (Child Health), NHM (1)
Final List of 600 candidates for CCH Course July'22 Batch under IGNOU.
Result of Interview for the position of IEC Consultant, NVBDCP
Reschedule of Interview of DPM
Result of Interview for various positions under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for various positions under NHM, Assam
Notice_Interview for the position of PA to Mission Director
Notice_Interview for the position of District Programme Manager
Notice_Interview for the position of Consultant (NPPCD)
Notice_Reschedule of Interview for the position of Consultant _M&E_, PC-PNDT
Notice for the counseling for 6-months certificate in community health (July 2022 BATCH)
Notice & Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the position of Consultant (M and E), PC-PNDT
Notice for the counseling for 6-months certificate in community health (July 2022 BATCH)
Advertisement inviting applications from passed out B.Sc Nursing/Post Basic B.Sc Nursing with the Integrated Certificate Course in Community Health for engagement as Community Health Officer (CHO) at Sub Centre-Health & Wellness Centres (SC-HWC)
Notice & Shortlisted Candidates for Final Round Physical Interview for the position of Physiotherapist
Notice & Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the position of District Quality Consultant, NHM
Interview Notice & Shortlisted Candidates for the post of IEC Consultant, NVBDCP
Notice and Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the position of VBD Technical Supervisor under NHM against advertisement dtd. 11.11.2021
Notice- Interview for the position of Dietician under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of District Consultant, NPPCF
Instructions for the candidates for the Counselling to be held on 23rd August 2022 for posting as Community Health Officers (CHOs) under NHM, Assam
Provisional List of Places of Posting for Counselling of 62 CCH Dec-2021 Term End Examination Passouts for engagement as CHOs under NHM (scheduled on 23-Aug-2022)
Final Merit List of succesful candidates appeared in the December 2021 TEE for counseling scheduled on 23rd August 2022
Notice for Counselling for selection of place for engagement as Community Health Officer (CHO) under NHM, Assam
Final Merit List of succesful candidates appeared in the December 2021 TEE
Withheld candidate appeared in the December 2021 TEE
Provisional Merit List of succesful candidates appeared in the December 2021 TEE
Interview notice & Shortlisted Candidates_Finance cum Logistic Consultant, NCD
Notice for Interview for the position of Programme Executive under NHM, Assam
Advertisement for various positions under NHM, Assam dated 30.07.2022
Notice for Interview for the position of State Programme Coordinator, NCD cum HWC
Notice & List of Provissionally Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the position of Junior Consultant (Nursing)
Result of Interview for the position of Assistant Engineer (Instrumentation)
Result of Interview for the position of Nursing Midwifery Educator
Result of Interview for the Position of District Data Manager under NHM, Assam
Provisional List of Candidates who have applied as MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting Doctors (May 2021 Batch) for Re-engagmement under NHM, Assam as Medical Officer (MBBS)
Notice for Personal Interview of MO(MBBS) under NHM
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for the post of District Consultant, NPPCF
Result of Interview for the position of Psychiatrist Social Worker under NHM, Assam
Interview Notice and Shortlisted Candidates_State Consultant (Quality Monitoring)
Notice for One Year Compulsory Post PG Compulsory Posting
Revised schedule for counselling for specialist 1 year Post PG posting
Interview Notice and Shortlisted Candidates for Clinical Psychologist Interview
Interview Notice & List of Shortlisted Candidates of Physiotherapist under NHM, Assam
Notice- Postponement of Interview of MO(MBBS) for Re-Engagement under NHM, Assam
Postponement of 1 Year Post PG Counselling dated 27-06-2022
Notice- Interview for Re-Engagement of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Rural Posting (May'21 Batch)
Notice- Reschedule of Interview of Block Community Mobilizer
Notice for Post PG 1 Year Compulsory Posting Counselling
Notice for cancellation of selection of Staff Nurse
Re-schedule of Interview of Finance & Procurement Consultant, NVBDCP
Admission notification for Certificate in Community Health (CCH) for july 2022 batch dated 15.06.2022
List of Places of Posting (Health Institutions) for the Counselling of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting (FMG & Non-FMG) to held on 30th May 2022
Notice & List Of FMG and Non FMG Willing To Join 1 Year Of Rural Service In Assam
Notice for Certificate in Community Health (CCH) Candidate passed in the December 2021, Term End Examination for submission of IGNOU Marksheet
List of remaining positions for Counselling of MO (MBBS) 1 Year Rural Posting under NHM, Assam after completion of counselling session on 24th May, 2022
List of Health Institutions for Counselling of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting Doctors under National Health Mission, Assam to be held on 24th & 25th May 2022
Final Merit List of candidates for counselling for the position of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview of Consultant-RKSK under NHM, Assam
Notice, Merit List & Instruction for counselling for the position of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting under NHM, Assam
Order- Posting of Staff Nurses under NHM, Assam dated 14.05.2022
Order- Posting of Medical Officer (MBBS) under NHM, Assam dated 14.05.2022
Result of Interview for MO(MBBS) under NHM Assam (held in April 2022)
Result of Staff Nurse Interview under NHM, Assam (Interview held in March 2022)
Notice- Reschedule of interview of PE (Civil)
Notice for postponement of interview for the position of BCM under NHM, Assam
Extension Notice for the position of MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting under NHM
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Assistant Engineer (Instrumentation) under NHM, Assam
Interview notice and shortlisted candidates for BCM Final Round Physical Interview
Advertisement for MO(MBBS) 1 Year Compulsory Rural Posting under NHM, Assam dated 25/04/2022
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Project Engineer (Civil) under NHM, Assam
Notice- Postponement of Interview of State Consultant (Finance & Procurement), NVBDCP
Notice & List of candidates for Final Round Personal Interview for the Position of Nursing Midwifery Educator under NHM, Assam
Notice & List of candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of State Consultant (Finance & Procurement), NVBDCP under NHM, Assam
Order- Engagement of MO(MBBS)- Full Time, NUHM
Addl. List of Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Medical Officer (MBBS) under NHM, Assam
Addl. List of Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Medical Officer (MBBS) under NHM, Assam
Order- Engagement of Specialist Doctors
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Medical Officer (MBBS) under NHM, Assam
Result of Interview for the position of Psychiatric Nurse
Notice & List of candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Block Programme Manager under NHM, Assam
Notice & List of candidates for Skill Test & Personal Interview for the Position of District Data Manager under NHM, Assam
Notice & Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Personal Interview for the Position of Psychiatric Social Worker under NHM, Assam
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